Inside the Lab
Summer internship 2024
The EHPLab had a fantastic summer! We conquered some escape rooms, learned about research careers at weekly tutorials, and enjoyed a delicious and fun hibachi dinner.
Piloting at the Museum
Members of the EHP Lab and the Leonard Learning Lab have recently begun piloting a new study at the Connecticut Science Center in Hartford, CT!
EHPL Postdocs at SESP!
Drs. David Newman, Kim Martin, Yoobin Park, and Darwin Guevarra in Madison, WI at SESP
SPSP 2024
EHPLab members old and new reconvened in San Diego, CA at the Annual Convention of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology!
The EHP Lab had our first lab meeting at Yale on September 25, 2023! We’re so excited to welcome all our new research assistants!
Welcome To Yale!
Wendy meets Yale’s mascot, Handsome Dan!
EHP Lab 2021 Holiday Party
EHP Lab staff and research assistants gathered to celebrate the 2021 Winter holiday season!
Dr. Michael Trujillo sharing his work on heart rate variability, identity centrality, and news consumption.
Post-doctoral Fellow showcase
The post-doctoral fellows in the Health Psychology department at UCSF shared their work over the past 2018-2019 academic year and future directions with their colleagues.