Stress Management Study


We are seeking participants for a 1.5-2 hour psychophysiology study that examines subjects learn to discriminate between non-native speech sounds, words, and sentences as a way to understand how language processing and learning are represented in the brain.

What will I have to do?

Throughout the study, you will report your thoughts and feelings and complete behavioral and computer tasks while wearing various non-invasive sensors (to measure things like blood pressure, heart rate, and brain-related activity). Subjects will also have an external non-invasive peripheral nerve stimulator apply low frequency electrical stimulation placed on the skin through small electrodes.

Am I eligible?

Participants for this study must be healthy adults between the ages of 18 and 64. Those willing to participate must not have pacemaker, doctor-diagnosed heart murmur or hypertension, or be on medication that affects heart rate or blood pressure.

Will I be paid to participate?

You will be compensated $25 per 30 minutes (up to $100 for 2 hours) for participating in the study.

I’m interested!

If you are interested, please email us your name and phone number to We will contact you with some questions to confirm your eligibility.